Researcher, Centre for Environmental and Climate Research (CEC), Lund University, Sweden
Postdoctoral researcher, Agroecology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Postdoctoral researcher in the project “Stability of Rainforest Margins” (STORMA), Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, employed at the Agroecology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Theme of research: “Biodiversity and ecosystem functions in cacao agroforestry systems”
PhD studies at the Agroecology Department of the Georg-August-University in Göttingen under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Teja Tscharntke and PD Dr. Andreas Kruess; Thesis: “Local and large scale determinants of biodiversity in winter wheat” ; Summa cum laude.
MSc (Crop Science) Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2002. Courses in entomology, nematology, phytopathology and integrated pest and vector management; Thesis: “Effects of resource patch size and surrounding vegetation on the pests of Brussels sprouts and their natural enemies” (Supervisors: Prof. JC van Lenteren, Dr. Tibor Bukovinszky); Completed with distinction.
Studies in agricultural and environmental sciences, Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISA), Lille, France
2011 Horst-Wiehe Award of the Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ, Ecological Society) for outstanding scientific work in the field of ecology
Editing and reviewing
Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology (2008-)
Reviews for: Ecology Letters, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Journal of Applied Ecology, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Basic and Applied Ecology, Conservation Letters, Ecological Entomology, Oikos, Weed Research, Forest Ecology and Management, Journal of Applied Entomology, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, Biodiversitas, Annales Zoologi Fennici, Journal of Pollination Ecology...
Reviewed proposals for BW-PLUS Grant (Germany) , Graduate Women In Science/SDE Fellowship (USA), TIE-BARD (USA-Israel), TEAM Programme (Poland)
Society memberships
Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ, Ecological Society)
Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (GTÖ, German Society for Tropical Ecology)
Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC)
British Ecological Society (BES)
Naturschutzbund Deutschland (German Society for Nature Conservation)
BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany)
Biologische Schutzgemeinschaft Göttingen e.V.
Researcher, Centre for Environmental and Climate Research (CEC), Lund University, Sweden
Postdoctoral researcher, Agroecology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Postdoctoral researcher in the project “Stability of Rainforest Margins” (STORMA), Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, employed at the Agroecology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Theme of research: “Biodiversity and ecosystem functions in cacao agroforestry systems”
PhD studies at the Agroecology Department of the Georg-August-University in Göttingen under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Teja Tscharntke and PD Dr. Andreas Kruess; Thesis: “Local and large scale determinants of biodiversity in winter wheat” ; Summa cum laude.
MSc (Crop Science) Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2002. Courses in entomology, nematology, phytopathology and integrated pest and vector management; Thesis: “Effects of resource patch size and surrounding vegetation on the pests of Brussels sprouts and their natural enemies” (Supervisors: Prof. JC van Lenteren, Dr. Tibor Bukovinszky); Completed with distinction.
Studies in agricultural and environmental sciences, Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISA), Lille, France
2011 Horst-Wiehe Award of the Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ, Ecological Society) for outstanding scientific work in the field of ecology
Editing and reviewing
Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology (2008-)
Reviews for: Ecology Letters, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Journal of Applied Ecology, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Basic and Applied Ecology, Conservation Letters, Ecological Entomology, Oikos, Weed Research, Forest Ecology and Management, Journal of Applied Entomology, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, Biodiversitas, Annales Zoologi Fennici, Journal of Pollination Ecology...
Reviewed proposals for BW-PLUS Grant (Germany) , Graduate Women In Science/SDE Fellowship (USA), TIE-BARD (USA-Israel), TEAM Programme (Poland)
Society memberships
Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ, Ecological Society)
Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (GTÖ, German Society for Tropical Ecology)
Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC)
British Ecological Society (BES)
Naturschutzbund Deutschland (German Society for Nature Conservation)
BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany)
Biologische Schutzgemeinschaft Göttingen e.V.